Couples Who Workout Together, Stay Together

According to studies, couples who workout together, stay together. Working out with your significant other not only benefits you individually, but it also strengthens your relationship, physically, sexually and emotionally.


Here are the top five reasons to work out as a couple:

1. You are more likely to stick to your workout routine. A recent study done by Indiana University found that 34% of couples who worked out together were more likely to show up for a workout and stick to their fitness routine.

2. Increased sex life. Couples who work out together feel better about their bodies and are more likely to feel more intimacy towards each other.

3. De-stress. Working out releases endorphins, putting you both is good moods AKA less fighting and bickering!

4. Friendly competition can re-kindle the fire. Relationships can become monotonous and so can work out routines, but trying something new together breaks the mold and brings back the flames.

5. Quality time. It is hard to balance life and love, so working out together is a dedicated time to each other.

Fabulous Arizona chatted with a couple who works out together and praises the benefits they reap as a result.

Franne and her fiance Rich began working out together a year ago at Orangetheory Fitness. Franne agrees that working out together helps keep them both accountable when it comes to working out consistently. Franne adds that “Even though we might workout at different levels, we encourage each other to keep improving within our own abilities. It is empowering to see improvements over time!”

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