LT Ladino Bryson is the CEO, Founder of Having placed over 600 candidates in less than 6 years, LT has been known as “The Employment Therapist” based on her no-nonsense approach to bring out the best in others. is a new confidential career platform for candidates and recruiting professionals only and is unlike any other job search board in the marketplace. Learn more about LT Ladino Bryson…
Hometown: New York City, NY
First job: I come from a family of performers and my first job was modeling for Broadway retail stores or doing local dance and fashion events. My mom was a background dancer and singer for James Brown and Marvin Gaye in the 70s and 80s which had our family at numerous shows, doing movie extra work, and dance auditions. I grew into becoming a record executive who climbed from the receptionist to Sr. VP of Marketing for a Sony Music label within 9 years. Looking back, my experience as a young performer and artist development/marketing executive helped propel me into the role as an executive recruiter who helps candidates prepare in the presentation of their best selves.
Favorite AZ restaurant: In my opinion, a favorite restaurant should be one that is reliable for great food, exemplary service and creating memories. I can always be found at a RA Sushi when I want to have a good time.
Person who has impacted your life the most: I have two people… my sons. Though they are only 22 and 19, they continue to be the best source of unconditional love needed to keep me going. They are both generous with their love, funny, patient and teach me something new about myself every day.
Your biggest accomplishment in your eyes: I used to consider my biggest accomplishments were the goals I set for myself when I was 10 years old: to be a wife, the mother of two, and in a senior level position by December 31, 1999. I knew I would be 33 years old on that date. All were accomplished by December 26, 1999, when my youngest son was born. Today, I believe my biggest accomplishment was when I shifted from being in entertainment to recruiting. This decision was not easy as being in entertainment comes with an identity; I used to be “LT of a major record company.” Today, I am “LT of” and there is nothing more thrilling than being known for a company that was birthed from my vision. I am excited to be a public benefit to my community and society as well.
The biggest obstacle you have overcome: The biggest obstacle I have had to overcome has been listening to people telling me what I cannot accomplish. After years of letting negative speech determine my fate, I have opted for leaning on my abilities and collaborating with those that could assist in my endeavors. I have learned to mute their negative comments and have become resolute in the fact that if I want to do something it can be done.
Someone who inspires you: My special someone has always been my paternal grandfather, James Rollins. He was the motivating force behind my writing To and Fro: Kelsey’s Journey instrumental in teaching me to always do what is right no matter how it may feel. He continues to be a shining light and wind beneath the wings of all who knew and loved him. He is the source of my strength and I am blessed to have married a wonderful man with his characteristics.
Favorite quote: Life is like a treasure hunt. It is not about the treasure or reward at the end but the clues you solve along the way.
Advice to someone pursuing a career path in what you do: Never pursue your goals as if you are playing checkers. You should be playing Chess: be patient, see the road you want to take, and be three steps ahead of everything by accepting your failures, strengthening your weakness, and never be afraid of to take risks.
What makes someone fabulous: Confidence and a zeal for living a life well make someone fabulous in my eyes. It’s not about what you have or how you look but how you love others and tackle life.