
Cerulean’s Comprehensive Physiological Test

Cerulean is a Scottsdale-based Progressive Athletic Training and Wellness facility that offers technology-advanced, safe, and non-invasive modalities to promote natural healing, body strength, maximized athletic performance, fast recovery, and overall health.

One of the unique offerings at Cerulean is the Comprehensive Physiological Testing.

What is Comprehensive Physiological Testing?

Cerulean’s comprehensive physiological testing provides in-depth understanding of an individual’s cardiovascular system, as well as individualized metabolic needs in terms of macro- and micronutrients. Cerulean’s complete physiological work-up does not just determine VO2 max (a measure of the maximum volume of oxygen that a person can use), but delivers a comprehensive diagnostic test that would otherwise require a referral to the pulmonologist, cardiologist and nutritionist.


The information from this testing can not only deliver peace of mind by ruling out various underlying lung and heart conditions that may be limiting someone’s athletic performance, but also provides Cerulean with physiological data that is used to develop individualized recommendations to increase the efficiency of an existing exercise or nutrition plan. These recommendations include caloric and macro-/micronutrient breakdown (how many calories/what type of calories should an athlete consume), fully customized exercise plans, and optimal heart rate zones for fat loss or improved conditioning. Relative VO2 max (ml/kg/min) is also used as an objective classification tool (replaces crude assessments such as BMI) to let an individual know how fit they are for their given population. Baseline physiological testing is strongly recommended to establish an individual’s current aerobic fitness capacity, which allows for objective monitoring of improvement with intermittent retesting.

Ceruleans’s Comprehensive Physiological Test combines medical-grade diagnostic testing that would otherwise require a referral to the Cardiologist, Pulmonologist and Nutritionist which would equate to a cost upwards of $8500. Cerulean offers this service for just $299.

Comprehensive Physiological Testing is beneficial for:

– Elite athletes wanting to break plateaus/train in the most efficient manner possible
– Individuals beginning a lifestyle change plan (How can I achieve my goals most efficiently?)
– Obese population- individualized and data-driven weight loss (remove the guess work)
– Individuals without specialty medical insurance (bring results to primary care physician)

If you want to learn more about this testing or about Cerulean in general, visit livecerulean.com or call 480.428.4632.

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