
Fabulous People: Vanessa Shaw

Vanessa Shaw is an International Business and Success Coach who went from housewife to successful entrepreneur. Her ability to make something out of nothing and passion to make a difference is inspiring. Learn more about Vanessa…

Hometown: Scottsdale, Arizona

First job: Working in a shoe shop. I loved looking at all the boxes of new shoes when they came in and I was the sales assistant that always sold the most! I still love shoes to this day but would rather buy them than sell them:)

Favorite AZ restaurant: Gosh there are so many great restaurants. I love Sassi for the views, location and great food.

Person who has impacted your life the most: My husband Robert. We are coming up for our 22nd wedding anniversary and he has been a massive support behind me growing my business which has been life-changing for all of us. He has pushed me forwards (lovingly) when I was fearful and wanted to play small. He has always been able to see my potential to do something bigger when I couldn’t see it for myself. Most of all though – he was supportive of me starting my own business and spreading my own wings even when that meant he would have less of me himself. Those changes involved me traveling a lot more, studying as well as actively growing a business. Years later though, this change has been so successful that Robert now works within the company as our Chief Technical Officer.

Your biggest accomplishment in your eyes: Going from being a stay at home housewife to running my own international business. Why? First of all they are very different roles! Secondly I had zero business experience or training when I got started 10 years ago. What I had was a passion to make a difference, a desire to create a business on my own terms and the tenacity to keep going amidst a lot of fear, self-doubt and a very steep learning curve. One of the reasons I’m particularly proud of this is the impact we have on our clients’ lives. They frequently double or triple their business revenues with us but more importantly, they become the type of person they always knew deep down inside they were supposed to be. They are all leaders in their own right and making their difference in the world too.

The biggest obstacle you have overcome: Selling up everything in Europe 4 years ago to come to Arizona to start from scratch and to get a new business off the ground. I had zero clients, just one or two contacts and my husband remained back in Europe whilst I was here alone with our 2 children.

Someone who inspires you: Brene Brown – she has gone from being a researcher to being on a much bigger public stage and I love that she has retained a level of humility and authenticity. She truly walks her talk. She doesn’t pretend to have it all figured out, admits her own weaknesses but also gives fabulous practical tools and guidance for personal growth.She’s made personal development fun and approachable which will make it far more accessible to those who are not attracted to the “navel gazing” tendencies of some personal development approaches.

Favorite quote:

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, ‘Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?’ Actually, who are you not to be? …. As we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.ā€

ā€• Marianne Williamson, A Return to Love: Reflections on the Principles of “A Course in Miracles”

Advice to someone pursuing a career path in what you do: Get started even when you don’t feel ready and work with a coach or mentor who is ahead of you on the path you want to be on. You’ll be able to accelerate your progress a lot quicker than trying to figure it all out by yourself!

What makes someone fabulous: What makes somebody fabulous is their own energy and desire to make a real difference in the world. It’s about coming from a place of service and contribution and always leaving the world a little better than when you entered it. This can be a simple as thanking somebody sincerely for giving them a morning coffee, to giving a compliment all the way through to being a business leader who works to always bring out the best in people. Being fabulous is a combination of courage, confidence and compassion.

Learn more about Vanessa Shaw and her business at






  1. What an amazing role model! I love that she is just as devoted to service and making a positive contribtion to the world as well as growing her business. Rock on!

  2. I work with Vanessa Shaw, and she is truly a great mentor and a lovely person. I very much appreciate her straight, on-point coaching and her high level of integrity. Congratulations to you, Vanessa and Robert, for being recognized as the “fabulous people” you are. Best from Texas to you!!

  3. My fabulous Ness! A true inspiration! It’s all about loving friendship, authenticity and support…..

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