Fab Teachers

Jill Jellison

Cactus Shadows High School | English Language Arts, ninth and 12th grades

How long have you been teaching? Iā€™ve been teaching a total of seven years with a break in the middle to have my daughter. 

What inspired you to be a teacher? While I always found myself in training and teaching roles in various professions, it wasnā€™t until I volunteered with Free Arts for Abused Children in Arizona that I had an opportunity to work with kids and teenagers. It was that amazing experience that inspired me to blend my love for literature and instruction to become a high school English Language Arts teacher. 

What is your greatest joy in teaching? Iā€™m constantly impressed with the insight my students share and the growth that can take place in a single school year. While teaching is a responsibility, it is also a complete privilege to see students learn, grow and evolve as scholars and into the people theyā€™re supposed to become. Itā€™s incredible to be a small part of their educational journey.

What about the greatest challenge? The greatest challenges arenā€™t necessarily inside the classroom or with the students. Iā€™ve noticed that in recent years outside forces such as funding, the current teacher shortage, increased work load and burnout is what makes the profession the most challenging. 

What if a student can have only one takeaway from time spent in your classroom, what would it be? I would love for my students to take away the feeling that they were each seen, heard and valued in my class. That it was a safe and comfortable place to learn. I also want them to walk away knowing that they grew as thinkers and communicators, two skills that will benefit them greatly wherever life takes them. 

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