Torey Varner, RN, is an aesthetic nurse injector at NuBella Med Spa in North Scottsdale. “We take pride in providing the latest and greatest treatments giving our patients the best comprehensive anti-aging care.” Learn about Torey Varner…
Hometown: Stryker, OH
First job: Working at my mom’s hair salon. I have always loved the beauty industry, so I enjoyed assisting her with clients and playing receptionist to help with the family business.
Favorite ways to spend your free time in AZ: When I have free time, I am traveling. Whether it is exploring new spots in Arizona or hopping a plane to another country, traveling has always been special to me. My favorite parts are trying the local cuisine, taking in the breathtaking views, and learning unique characteristics about the culture.
Your biggest accomplishment and why: My biggest accomplishment would have to be stepping out of my comfort zone and moving across the country to Scottsdale. The day I decided to pack up and move initiated a huge transformation in my life. It forced me to be uncomfortable, make new friends, create a new environment to call home, and challenge myself to grow as an individual. I learned some of the most valuable lessons and truly came to find myself through this journey. Thankful for my leap of faith; I haven’t looked back since!
The biggest obstacle you overcame: About a year ago, I found out I have an autoimmune disorder called Mixed Connective Tissue Disease. About three years ago, I started getting really sick more often than not. I sought out care from multiple doctors all to tell me everything was “normal.” At least once a month I would spike fevers, have constant brain fog, body aches, no energy, digestive issues, and a whole long list of symptoms that not only wouldn’t stop but were also affecting my mental health. After connecting with the right provider, I was diagnosed and put on a treatment plan. Although I will never completely “overcome” this obstacle, I feel as if I am finally in control of my life again by knowing what is going on with my health and being able to manage it.
Someone who inspires you and why: My best friend Sami inspires me in so many different ways. She has been through a lot in her life but chooses to wake up each day being grateful with her positive energy spilling out to enlighten those around her. Life is full of adversity, but Sami has taught me it’s all about how you react and handle it. She is a kind, compassionate, selfless friend who I am so grateful to have in my life supporting me.
Advice to someone pursuing a career path in what you do: Find knowledgeable mentors and forever be a student. The world of medical aesthetics is constantly evolving with new treatments, modalities, products, safety protocols and more. Consistent education and training is key to being a great injector. I love working with the NuBella Team of like-minded, empowering individuals that inspire me every day.
Favorite quote: “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to Him, and He will make your path straight.” –Proverbs 3:5-6
Something someone would be surprised to learn about you: When I was little I wanted to be a Victoria’s Secret model or compete on “America’s Next Top Model” TV show! Growing up, my mom and I would always watch the VS runway show together and I would religiously watch ANTM and clip photos out of magazines of my favorite models. Now, I prefer to be the creative behind the content. People that know me know that I hate being in front of the camera and am slightly introverted. Funny how things can switch up!
What makes someone fabulous: Being authentic. The beauty of humans is that we are all uniquely created and different. Staying true to who you are and being unapologetically yourself are amazing qualities to express and conquer.