
Fabulous People: Taylor Victoria

Taylor Victoria is a Phoenix artist specializing in custom mural and canvas artwork. “You can see my work on the sides of buildings, within yoga studios, restaurants, schools and being unwrapped as gifts during special occasions.” Learn more about Taylor Victoria…

Follow at: @Taylor.Victoria.Art@RisingRetreats

Hometown: Geneva, Illinois

First job: I led birthday parties for children. 

Favorite ways to spend your free time in AZ: Hiking! I am blessed to have trails right outside of my house.

Your biggest accomplishment and why: My biggest accomplishment was finishing a large multi-story mural within six days to complete the project within the client’s deadline. I have learned to roll with the punches in my line of work. However, this project felt like my largest race to the finish line yet. This property was a new build with many moving parts and my original timeline to work on the mural shrunk. Thankfully, my assistant and I pulled it off. 

The biggest obstacle you overcame: The biggest obstacle I have overcome was relearning to believe in myself and gain the courage to follow my heart again after a difficult period. Post-college, I moved to California for a tattoo apprenticeship. My mentor promised to help take my artistic career to the next level. Instead, I unknowingly entered into an abusive situation that left me at a very low point in life. At the time, I believed following my heart and pursuing my art journey was what had led me to get hurt. Today, I recognize that it was the catalyst for learning how strong and resilient I could be.

Someone who inspires you and why: Maya Angelou has always been one of my biggest inspirations. She lived a life of true power, resilience, grace and class in the face of unfathomable adversity.

Advice to someone pursuing a career path in what you do: My biggest advice to any creative looking to pursue a career in the arts is to network with people in different industries.

Favorite quote: “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”― Maya Angelou

Something someone would be surprised to learn about you: The way I present myself to the public makes me appear extroverted, but some people may be surprised to learn how much alone time I require and the level of commitment I have towards my daily meditations, journaling and self-reflection time. 

What makes someone fabulous: A person who creates more love, positivity and peace in the world.

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