peter mcquaid

Fabulous People: Peter McQuaid

Peter McQuaid is the executive chef at Cala at Scottsdale’s Senna House. There, Chef McQuaid dishes up authentic coastal cuisine with flavors of Greece, Spain, Italy and Morocco, led by Chef Beau MacMillan. Learn about Peter McQuaid…

Hometown: Scottsdale

First job: My first job was at Safeway as a courtesy clerk or “bag boy.” I remember being mesmerized seeing the butchers cutting meat, fish, seeing produce come in and walking the aisles and seeing all the ingredients and foods. I think that definitely sparked my interest into wanting to become a chef and work with food. 

Favorite ways to spend your free time in AZ: My favorite way to spend my free time in AZ is exploring all the amazing scenery AZ has to offer. My girlfriend, Brittney and I are always making our way up to Flagstaff, Sedona and Cottonwood, where there are endless scenic views, great weather, and fun places to eat, drink and relax! 

Your biggest accomplishment and why: I have opened two restaurants by the age of 25, including Cala, and have overseen the culinary operations from the ground up. The proudest moment I have had in life is seeing my team ready to go on opening night. I was also a part of an amazing program called the Careers Through Culinary Arts Program. I competed in their annual scholarship cooking competition and won a scholarship to the International Culinary Center NYC where I went to school. That was a huge win in my culinary journey and a very big accomplishment for me right out of high school.

The biggest obstacle you overcame: High school. I was never a stellar student and honestly almost didn’t graduate high school. I was already working as a cook and wanted to be a chef so I put school to the side, which made senior year very tough to be able to graduate. I had to graduate in order to receive my scholarship for culinary school so I had to buckle down and beg my teachers to just barely graduate high school. 

Someone who inspires you and why: I have a long list of people who inspire me. On a personal level, my grandparents, Mike and Molly McQuaid, have devoted their lives to ending and aiding the chronic problem of homelessness in Arizona and developed the Human Services Campus which now has aided more than 12,180 homeless individuals to find housing and jobs. I used to volunteer as a kid and have even cooked there for the homeless. I aspire to carry on my grandpa’s legacy one day. 

Advice to someone pursuing a career path in what you do: My advice, especially as a young chef, is to really put your head down and work, learn, listen and stay out of the drama in the restaurant business. There is always going to be someone better than you who you can learn from. There is always someone to try and get an edge on you. As a young chef, there will always be people who question your age. But the more you focus on the true meaning of food, cooking and hospitality, the more you will have the edge on everyone else. Also, don’t forget the basics of cooking. In this day and age, we have so many cool techniques in gastronomy and in food, which is amazing. But to do that, you need to understand the basic and classic techniques. Sometimes a perfectly roasted chicken and whipped potatoes can be one of the most satisfying meals. 

Favorite quote: “A recipe has no soul, you as the cook, must bring soul to the recipe.” –Chef Thomas Keller 

Something someone would be surprised to learn about you: I am an open book but one thing throughout my career that surprises people is that even though I didn’t do well in school, my culinary career began with a school project for Spanish class. I did a presentation on Mexican cuisine featuring one of AZs greatest, Chef Silvana Salcido Esparza, who offered me a job on the spot. I began working in her new restaurant the next weekend. She is an incredible human and chef and is a huge inspiration and mentor in my culinary life.

What makes someone fabulous: I think there are many things that can make someone fabulous. For me, it’s being true to yourself and putting your heart and soul into anything you want to accomplish. Being genuine and honest with yourself and others can be tough but is something I always strive for.

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